Why Can’t I Download My Estimate?

The option to download an estimate’s PDF output is located on the top-right corner of the estimate builder view: If you cannot see this option then it is...

Who Can Access My Estimate?

The ability of other users on your Estimo instance to access your estimates depends upon a variety of factors, primarily the estimate’s status. Firstly, users with Admin and...

What Do the Different Estimate Statuses Mean?

Every estimates has a Status. This indicates the point that they are within the Estimo workflow, the stages are as follows: Opportunity In Review and To Review Reviewed...

How Do I Create a New Estimate?

All users are able to create estimates, and this action can be achieved from all pages within Estimo. The left-hand-side menu provides a link to Create Estimate. You...

How Can I Invite Other Users to Collaborate on an Estimate?

Any user can be added as a collaborator to your estimate, as long as it is in Opportunity or In Review state. Just follow these simple steps… 1)...